Is Your Blog Socialable Enough?

Over the last few years, I have reviewed thousands of blogs whilst looking to develop either my own profile or market client brands. Here are my observations, tips, and advice on what makes a sociable blogger and why it is key to blogging success.

Read other blogs

Are you a blogger that only plays at home or are you interested in what others are writing and aren’t afraid to travel? When you read a great post do you comment?

I ask because if you do take an interest in other bloggers then you are going to make friends because the blogs you reach out and say hello to, are going to respond and take an interest in you and your blog in return. They may even include valuable links to your blog that pass traffic and Google juice. Good places to find blogs to follow include Alltop, Google and Post Rank.

Mention and link to other blogs when you write

When you do read a blog post that inspires you, link to it. There’s a good chance the author monitors their traffic sources and backlinks and will know about the link and pay you a visit. You should also do the same. Google Analytics will tell you which sites have provided you with visitors and Yahoo Site Explorer or Open Site Explorer will give you a list of sites that link to you, and an opportunity to open up a conversation and make a new blogger friend.

Basecamps and Outposts?

If you’re sociable you’re likely to consider your blog as your basecamp but have social outposts like Facebook and Twitter where you’re also happy to have a conversation. A multi-social approach will extend your reach and if you do make friends at any of your social outposts you can introduce them to your blog and turn them into loyal readers and contributors.

Guest Post

There are just so many upsides to guest posting. If you accept posts you get fresh blog posts for free. This is great for ensuring you’re able to keep your content interesting and frequent – something your readers will thank you for. If you offer posts you get to introduce your work to a wider audience and get your blog another important backlink.

If you don’t send them you don’t get them?

I have stolen this saying from my father-in-law. He sends letters and emails all the time and he gets them all the time. My wife, on the other hand, sends very few and moans because she only gets bills and junk mail. If you want to engage with other bloggers you need to communicate with your audience in whatever way they want to be communicated with. Email, mention, link, comment or smoke signal. If it works for them it works for you.

It sounds like a lot of effort

Making and keeping friends is a lot of effort but every blog that has a significant following does all of the above and more. If you want your blog to be read by a wider audience or even make money from blogging you need to engage with others. That’s why it’s called social media. Give it a go and enjoy the fruits of your labor.