Include remarketing in your online strategy to improve your conversion

If you still do not use remarketing (or retargeting) in your online strategy, it can be two things. Either you do not know very well how it works, or you are not convinced of its advantages. In both cases, I’ll explain how to use it correctly, and why you should keep it in mind in your digital marketing budget.

Have you ever had the feeling that there are ads that haunt you regardless of the web page you visit? Well, that’s remarketing. The ads that you see after visiting a certain web page are a very effective weapon that you can also implement in your online strategy. You can meet with top app development companies to hire an iPhone app developer to help you develop an iOS app that will increase your conversion rate.

Remarketing and Retargeting, is it the same?

In practice, Yes. It had always been called retargeting, and remarketing was a broader term that included other channels such as email. But since Google decided to use only the term remarketing, today in practice, we always refer to the same. And what does this action consist of?

Definition of Remarketing

Remarketing is the technique by which a user, who has navigated a website, is shown ads of it while browsing different websites. It has always had the aim of increasing the conversion. It deals with trying to get those users who have not done the desired action on the web (a purchase, a registration, etc.).

If you notice, the prefix “re” already indicates repetition. And here is the key to the matter, in the repetition. Who has not ever been haunted by an ad on all the websites that he/she has surfed? Even appearing in the different apps of the mobile phone. It becomes persecutory, and counterproductive to the brand that does it.

This is one of the most important keys to making good use of this technique. But let’s see it more in depth. You can meet with top app development companies to hire an iPhone app developer to help you develop an iOS app that will increase your conversion rate.

How does Remarketing Work?

Well, through cookies. That is, each time a website is visited, or part of it, some cookies or code fragments are inserted in the browser. They do not collect any confidential information. Only one identifier is assigned so that the ad platforms know what pages that user has visited.

To do this, just install a piece of code, also called a pixel, in the pages of our website where you want the data to be collected. In this way, they begin to generate lists of users, also called Audiences.

And the most common platforms for remarketing are Adwords and Social Networks especially Facebook.

Types of Remarketing

• Display: in image format. It is the most used. It includes a very effective type of action called “dynamic remarketing.” The normal thing is to put ads to regain the attention of those who visited your website. And send them a message with some incentive, which may or may not include a promotional action. But in dynamic remarketing, used only by stores, you can launch messages linked exclusively to the product or products visited by the user.

• Search: are the ads that appear in the Google search, and remarketing here can also be used. Thus advertisers can independently control the searches made by visitors to your website.

• Video: video ads, mainly on YouTube, also allow this technique. It works in such a way that if you have visited a certain web page, you can skip an advertisement of yours when you are visualizing videos on this platform.

Set Up Remarketing Appropriately

To configure the remarketing properly, there are two key aspects that you must take into account:

• Frequency: is the maximum number of times an ad can jump to each visitor. When you are faced with ads that literally “chase” you, it is because the advertiser has not configured this parameter. Or it has a very high frequency. How many impressions or impacts do you think would be optimal not to cross that red line? Well, experts say that at most 4/5 times a day.

• Audiences: it is very important to generate the appropriate lists. Will your message be the same for the one who has just visited your website but has not bought with the one who has not visited it for 30 days?. Therefore, it is important to generate different lists where the time is controlled since the user last visited the web. Also, you also have to generate lists with those that have done the conversion action, to exclude them from the normal campaigns and send them other types of messages.

Benefits of Using Remarketing in Your Business

Well-used remarketing can provide many advantages in addition to increasing your conversion rate, which is the first thing we always think about.

• Notoriety: without a doubt, remarketing contributes to improving the digital reputation of the brand. Think of a local business, a florist for example. The person who visits your website, and then begins to receive advertisements from that company, will unconsciously think: “This florist should be a large company to invest in advertising.” Typically, the user does not know that the cost of these ads is usually quite cheap. And that also only pays if you click on the ad.

• Segmentation: through the lists that you generate, you can segment the visitors of your website according to different criteria. And launch different advertising messages to each segment.

• Reminder: many times they act as an alarm. They remind the user that they did not complete an action on the web, which helps you improve the conversion rate.

• Appropriate timing: Usually, these ads occur at the moment when a person is looking for specific information about a product. Your ad may be the little push the user needs to finish deciding.

Examples of Effective Remarketing Ads

Ads tend to work very well in which offers, discounts, or are limited temporarily creating a sense of urgency in the user:

• “2 x 1 only until tomorrow.”

• “Limited places.”

• “30% discount with this coupon.”

Thus, the user is forced to make a decision and not to prolong it over time. You can meet with top app development companies to hire an iPhone app developer to help you develop an iOS app that will increase your conversion rate.



by Harnil Oza
