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Monetize your website with Push Notifications!

Monetize your website with Push Notifications!

If you are looking for an easy and safe way to monetize your website and earn from your visitors, Push Notifications is just the right option. Nowadays a lot of users use Ad Blocks, which makes it harder to promote Pop up or Display ads, but Push is safe in this sense.

What is Push Notification?

Push Notifications are clickable pop-up messages that appear on the web browser of users’ desktop and mobile devices. A push notification is a text or rich media message, sent from third-party applications once the user opts in to receive them. They are 100% compliant with the Google compliance protocol.

How it works?

Only the user who will agree to receive notifications will be targeted, so this brings no harm to your website audience. And the notifications they will receive will be related to their interests. So this make everybody happy. Advertiser can reach targeted audience, your website visitors will receive notifications they are interested in and you as a publisher will have a safe profit. All messages are verified and users will receive only secure content, no adult or other inappropriate messages will go through.


How to get started?

1. Click the “New Site” button

Monetize your website with Push Notifications!


2. Select Push Notification

Monetize your website with Push Notifications!


3. Install the JavaScript Code

Monetize your website with Push Notifications!


Happy Monetization! For any questions or support, please contact us.