Effective positioning – which SEO strategy should you choose?

What does effective website positioning mean? Does it mean having high positions for a specific statement set? And maybe increasing the website traffic by positioning a large number of expressions – so-called long-tail positioning with the help of affordable seo company ? In this article, I will try to present some, I hope, useful tips that will help you in choosing the right SEO strategy. For more informative tips, you can also follow Glamy SEO service.

“Professional” positioning

Not so long ago, website positioning in most cases consisted (in a simplified way) of:

  • on selecting several, not always appropriate phrases,
  • determining the price for the items,
  • cursory optimization (e.g. home page only),
  • mass automatic linking.

At present, this type of practice is less common. On the one hand, the nature of user queries is changing, who type in more and more advanced keywords, and on the other, Google introduces corrections in its search engine, which are designed to eliminate smaller sites from the index. So choose an affordable SEO packages from any affordable SEO company and rank your website to high position using different tactics in the legit way.

Google algorithms

Caring for the quality of search results, the Mountain View giant systematically implements improvements in the mechanism and the appearance of the search results. Nice animals – Panda, Penguin, Koliber and Gołąb – help him with this – the most important Google algorithms are named. The first two are primarily responsible for the fight for valuable SERPs (Search Engine Results Position):

Google Panda – draws attention to the quality of content presented on the site,

Google Penguin – focuses on quality link popularity

The other two algorithms, on the other hand, meet the mentioned changes in search preferences:

Koliber – in short, it can be said that this algorithm is responsible for providing the answer to the query, and not limited to providing pages containing specific phrases,

Pigeon – deals mainly with local search results (maps, local services, etc.).

The above changes meant that each site should be selected in more individual methods.

Positioning strategy

The level of SEO advancement has increased, when planning effective and professional positioning, pay attention not only to a few phrases and their price but also to other elements that will determine the success of our activities:

  • Keyword Selection
  • Website optimization
  • Link building
  • Measuring the effectiveness of actions

Keyword selection

As I mentioned before – selecting a few/several phrases and their positioning is not always a good solution. This tactic can and should be used for small pages, where the services or products that are offered can be defined by a small set of phrases.

The nature of our business is also important. If our business is a local activity in a specific area – the best are phrases related to the city (s), province (region). There is no point in positioning on nationwide phrases, because even if we receive a request for quotation, it will be difficult for us to make it, or offer an attractive price when we have to calculate its usually difficult route to the customer. Local positioning is also characterized by a different way of displaying results (the Pigeon algorithm mentioned).

Another type of websites are B2B websites characterized by very specialized products and services. Without a thorough analysis, implementation in the client industry, affordable SEO agency finds it hard to choose the best keywords using only external tools. On the other hand, it happens very often that our clients suggest too detailed expressions. That is why together we need to find the “golden mean” and choose specialized expressions on the one hand, and on the other, those that (quite often) entered by our potential contractors.

For online stores,  keywords can be categories, subcategories, products, manufacturer brands, and of course the main generic phrases.

A similar solution is recommended for positioning portals or thematic vortals, where each article, each category is potentially several keywords. So get advice from affordable SEO consultant and they will help you in ranking your website.

Website optimization

Similarly to the keyword selection process,  page optimization is a personalized matter, depending on the nature of the page. In addition to the standard, fixed points of optimization recommendations, i.e. aspects such as meta tags, headers, site maps, etc., content plays a key role.

The requirements of Panda mentioned earlier mean that when positioning professionally, we should remember to implement a large amount of content that should be unique. Unique – that is, not found anywhere else on the web. While in the case of small websites or the b2b industry it should not be a problem, because everyone can describe their company, products or services in their own words, the owners of online stores or portals have a harder nut to crack.

For articles on portals, I recommend checking articles for duplicate content. There are quite a few free tools on the web for analyzing the originality of content.

However, when positioning online stores, you should be prepared for a lot of work on-site optimization, both from this technical side and the part regarding content. In addition to adjusting the basic, previously mentioned elements, it takes a lot of effort to ensure that the content is unique. This applies above all to product descriptions, which usually come from the manufacturer/distributor, so they are used in many websites at the same time and the structure of the website itself, which does not provide space for advanced category descriptions.

Link building

And in this aspect, individual solutions, i.e. the strategy of obtaining links is a must. When planning a link building strategy, you need to consider, among others:

  • Domain Age
  • Previous SEO activities
  • Link analysis
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console analysis
  • Phrase difficulty scale
  • The nature of these phrases (e.g., “seasonal” keywords, local phrases)
  • Budget

Unfortunately, a full link acquisition plan cannot be worked out accurately at the beginning of positioning. You can outline the main assumptions at the start, but they should be corrected regularly. Useful tools to supervise the building of site popularity are primarily Google Search Console (former Google Webmaster Tools) and external services such as MajesticSEO or Ahrefs.

Measuring the effectiveness of actions

We get to the heart of effective positioning. As I mentioned at the beginning, high positions for several phrases do not always mean that we are dealing with professional website positioning. The position of the phrase is one and the benefits of it are the other. Always pay attention to at least two or three measures:

The above-mentioned items of phrases with the proviso that high places translate into

  • Increase in website traffic
  • And this move increases the interest in the offer, i.e. increase.
  • number of visits to the contact page
  • e-mail/telephone inquiries
  • article views do
  • several orders (in the case of e-commerce).
  • Lifetime value, i.e. how many transactions we will make with the client not only after the first contact but throughout the entire cooperation.

You can also get a better idea when you contact any affordable SEO expert who suits your budget and learn how the SEO works and do effective positioning of your website.

source: GLAMY SEO

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