Campaign Migration
Transfer Your Ad Campaigns to PPCmate X Seamlessly and for Free.
Switch to PPCmate with Ease!
Seamlessly transfer your ad campaigns to PPCmate X and unlock the full potential of our advanced advertising platform. Our campaign migration service is designed to make the transition effortless, so you can focus on achieving better results with your advertising.
Campaign Assessment
We analyze your existing campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to understand your goals and settings. This ensures a seamless transition and sets the foundation for success on PPCmate X.
Testing and Validation
To guarantee performance, we run test campaigns to validate the setup. This helps optimize results and ensures everything is ready for a successful launch.
Submit Your Request
Provide your campaign details, and let us handle the rest.
Campaign Analysis
Our team will analyze your campaigns and prepare them for migration.
Start Advertising
Your campaigns go live on PPCmate X, ready to deliver results.
Campaign Migration Request Form
Fill out the form below to seamlessly transfer your campaigns to PPCmate X. For any questions or additional assistance, please include details in the notes section or contact our support team directly.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is advertising inventory?
Advertising inventory refers to the ad spaces available for purchase across various websites, apps, and digital platforms where your ads can be displayed. This includes display banners, video ads, native ads, and push notifications.